Curtain Tiebacks

Curtain tiebacks are not merely functional accessories; they are an extension of your home’s personality and style. At Winston Interiors, we understand that tiebacks can transform the look and feel of a room, providing both elegance and practicality. We will introduce you to the world of curtain tiebacks, helping you select the perfect match for your curtains, room, and windows.

Types of Curtain Tiebacks

Small Tiebacks (Up to 130cm)

Ideal for lighter, shorter curtains or smaller windows, our small tiebacks offer a delicate touch. They are perfect for adding a subtle detail to your decor without overwhelming the space.

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Medium Tiebacks (130cm to 315cm)

Our medium tiebacks are versatile, and suited to a wide range of curtain lengths and styles. They provide sufficient hold for medium-weight curtains, ensuring your drapes drape beautifully.

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Large Tiebacks (315cm to 380cm)

For grand, floor-to-ceiling windows or heavier, luxurious drapes, large tiebacks are the go-to option. They offer robust support and add a statement piece to your room’s aesthetic.

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Material Options

Winston Interiors prides itself on offering an extensive collection of materials for our curtain tiebacks. Choose between Brass and Silver tiebacks with a choice between the type of edge you want; Plain Edge or Self-Piped Edge. Whether you’re looking for something to complement your classic decor or a modern twist, our collections are sure to inspire.

Tieback Design and Style Guide

Choosing the right design and colour for your curtain tiebacks can significantly influence the ambience of a room. Consider the following tips to enhance your space:

  • Room Type: For living areas, opt for bold, statement tiebacks that can become a focal point. In bedrooms, consider softer, more soothing colours and designs that promote relaxation.
  • Window Shape: For large bay windows, consider using longer tiebacks that can handle the width and offer flexibility. Smaller windows benefit from shorter, more discreet tiebacks that don’t overpower the window frame.

Measurement and Installation Guide

How to measure Tiebacks

To guarantee that your tiebacks flawlessly enhance your curtains and overall room decor, precise measurement of your windows is crucial. Follow these steps to ensure the perfect fit for your tiebacks:

1.) Width Measurement: Begin by measuring the width of your curtain. This measurement will help you determine the appropriate length for your tiebacks, ensuring they can hold the curtains back effectively without being too tight or too loose.

2.) Height Consideration: Decide on the height at which you’d like to position your tiebacks. A common practice is to place them one-third of the way up from the bottom of the curtain but feel free to adjust this based on your personal preference and the specific look you’re aiming for.

3.) Marking the Spot: Once you’ve determined the height, use a pencil to lightly mark the spot on the wall where the tieback will be attached. Ensure this mark aligns with your desired curtain drape style and the overall aesthetic of the room.

Installing Curtain Tiebacks

Installing curtain tiebacks is straightforward with the right tools and approach. Here’s a quick guide:

1.) Positioning: Tiebacks are typically placed one-third of the way up from the bottom of the curtain. However, this can be adjusted based on personal preference and the length of the curtain.

2.) Installation: Mark the spot on the wall where the tieback will be fixed. Drill holes, insert wall plugs, and screw in the tieback hook. Ensure it’s secure before looping your curtain through.


Where to Put Curtain Tiebacks?

Curtain tiebacks are usually placed one-third of the way up from the bottom of the curtain. The exact position can vary based on the curtain length and personal preference.


How to Install Curtain Tiebacks?

To install curtain tiebacks, choose the desired height, mark the spot, drill holes, insert wall plugs, and screw in the tieback hook. Ensure it’s firmly in place before using.


How High Should Curtain Tiebacks Be?

Tiebacks are generally positioned one-third of the way up from the bottom of the curtain, but this can be adjusted to suit the specific look you’re aiming for.


How Long Should Curtain Tiebacks Be?

The length of the tieback should correspond to the type of curtain and window size. Small tiebacks are suitable for up to 130cm, medium for 130cm to 315cm, and large for 315cm to 380cm curtains.

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